My name is Sillye Gábor , I'm working as a software developer. I have three sons: Gábor , Márk, Martin and a daughter Anetta .
My wife, Erika is also working as a software developer at Mind System Consulting Kft. .
My parents: Sillye Jenő and Hönsch Irén. Here are a few words about them and about the Hönsch family.
My father was born on 6th December 1915. in Budapest. His mother was Legény Erzsébet, his father was Sillye Jenő, director of a pawnshop.
My mother was born on 24th May 1932. in Kassa. His father was Hönsch János, the station master of Dobsina, his mother was Hönsch Irén, mother of 4 children.