Homepage of Gábor Sillye 



We have done a summer-recuperation between 22.July and 8.August at Mallorca. We would like to travel there absolutely once again.

Mondj igen-t!

My parents : Jenő Sillye and Irén Hönsch and some words about them.

The list and the photos of the Hungarian university-graduates of MIIT, here you find their web pages and Photos over the meeting in June 2003

I like to play Tarokk: Tarokkpartien.

If you like to sing, you find the lyrics here.

My great-grandfather, the last Government Commissioner of Hajdúság   A short autobiography and the book of the historian Dr. Miklos Nyakas : The activity of the government  commissioner Gábor Sillye. Here is his beliefe:

"Miután meg vagyunk győződve, hogy elvész a nép, mely tudomány nélkül való, s azért nekünk oda kell törekednünk, hogy a hajdú nép gyermekei egy jól rendezett iskolában hazafiakká s hasznos, értelmes polgárokká neveltessenek."

Sillye Gábor


The people with name Sillye in Hungary.


Mosoni Vasbolt

Grammyfon BT  



I am Gabor Sillye.I am a programmer of mathematician. My three sons: Gabor, Mark, Martin and my daughter: Anetta. My wife, Erika is also a programmer of mathematician.


Fotó, audio and video album


Sillye Gábor

IT Consultant

Mester u.4-6. IV.2.

H-1095 Budapest

Tel : (+36) 1 / 215 16-96

Fax: (+36) 1 / 215 16-96

E-mail: gsillye@freemail.hu

Homepage: http://people.freenet.de/gsillye

My CV’s:

Sillye Gábor önéletrajz (hungarian)

Profil von Gabor Sillye (german)

CV of Gabor Sillye (english)



I like the films, I have seen many good films:
-List in Excel.